CPHE macro-evaluation report, 2020-2022

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
The Colorado Trust
The Colorado Trust
February 2022
Abstract / Description

The Colorado Trust’s (The Trust) Community Partnerships for Health Equity (CPHE) strategy is a largescale systems and community change effort focused on creating opportunities for people who have historically been excluded and who are directly impacted by injustice, to develop and implement plans and take actions that will lead to healthier more equitable communities across Colorado.1 A range of communities throughout Colorado has been a part of this strategy, from small rural towns with fewer than 700 residents — the majority of whom are white — to large urban neighborhoods and cities where residents are racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse. The number of communities involved in the strategy has gradually increased from eight between 2015 and 2016 when it was launched, to 21 today and continues to grow. This report synthesizes the macro-evaluator's analysis of a sample of CPHE communities’ efforts and what has been learned from their efforts to date. (author abstract) 

Artifact Type
Reference Type
P4HE Authored