Health care disparities among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth: A literature review

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Hafeez, Hudaisa
Zeshan, Muhammad
Tahir, Muhammad
Jahan, Nusrat
Naveed, Sadiq
National Library of Medicine
April 2017
Abstract / Description

About 3.5% Americans identify themselves as lesbian, gay, or bisexual while 0.3% identify themselves as transgender. The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community belongs to almost every race, ethnicity, religion, age, and socioeconomic group. The LGBT youth are at a higher risk for substance use, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), cancers, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, bullying, isolation, rejection, anxiety, depression, and suicide as compared to the general population. LGBT youth receive poor quality of care due to stigma, lack of healthcare providers’ awareness, and insensitivity to the unique needs of this community. The main objective of this literature review is to highlight the challenges faced by the LGBT youth and to enhance the awareness among physicians about the existing disparities in order to provide a more comprehensive, evidence-based, and humane medical care to this community. (author abstract) 

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Priority Population
P4HE Authored