Health equity assessments: A brief review

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Wilder Research
Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
June 2015
Abstract / Description

Health equity is achieved when all people can attain their highest level of health; it is when differences in health outcomes between groups of people are eliminated. To be effective, organizations and agencies working to advance health equity need not only consider how they are working with community residents, but also how their internal policies, practices, and priorities support or hinder this work. The Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota requested that Wilder Research review available tools that can assess organizational capacity to advance health equity. This summary briefly describes relevant tools identified in this literature search. It provides a link to each tool, a brief overview of the tool’s advantages and disadvantages, and additional information about the tool and the organization that developed the tool. (author abstract) 

Artifact Type
Reference Type
P4HE Authored