Innovations in health equity and health philanthropy

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Faith Mitchell
Stanford Social Innovation Review
March 2016
Abstract / Description

Health equity is an area of intense focus for philanthropy, fueled by a sense of urgency about the need to reverse long-standing destructive trends. It is an area in which health philanthropy has shown consistent leadership in support of innovative work. Our goal in this supplement is to lift up new voices and approaches in health equity and to highlight the work of funders and community organizations that use health equity as a lens for grantmaking and partnerships. Although it was impossible to include profiles of all the good work occurring in communities across the country, we did our best to select a cross-section of programs that are concerned with some of this nation’s most vulnerable populations, such as youth, LGBT people, low-income communities, immigrants, and people of color. (author introduction)

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Geographic Focus