Managing pain in adults with intellectual disabilities

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Tjong, Elysia
Keane, James F.
Goldstein, Leonard
HealthCentral LLC
April 2019
Practical Pain Management
Abstract / Description

Patients with a history of intellectual disability (ID) have been noted to experience pain more frequently and to a higher degree than the general population. Previously referred to as “mental retardation,” ID occurs in approximately 1% of the population. A diagnosis of ID is generally based upon the presence of an intelligence quotient score below a specific level, along with noted impairments in adaptive functioning. Specific forms of intellectual disability include Fragile X syndrome, Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, phenylketonuria, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Both the understanding and management of ID continue to evolve as these individuals play a more active and inclusive role in society. (author introduction) #P4HEwebinarJuly2024

Artifact Type
Reference Type
Priority Population
P4HE Authored