Strategic practices and actions to advance health equity in local health departments

Individual Author(s) / Organizational Author
Health Equity Guide
Health Equity Guide
November 2017
Abstract / Description is a resource with inspiring examples of how health departments have concretely advanced health equity — both internally within their departments and externally with communities and other government agencies. This website includes: 

  • A set of Strategic Practices to advance health equity in local health departments 
  • Key actions health departments can take to advance their current practice towards health equity 
  • 25+ case studies from local health departments that describe how they advanced the strategic practice, factors that enabled the work, impacts, and advice for others 
  • 150+ resources from allied organizations and others to advance the strategic practices Human Impact Partners developed this resource in consultation with national health equity leaders and with support from The California Endowment. (author introduction) 
Artifact Type
Reference Type
P4HE Authored