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The Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE) Resource Library is a virtual portal containing action-oriented health equity research, practice, and policies. The library aims to increase equity in health by offering free access to field-tested, evidence-informed and evidence-based programs strategies and high-quality research.
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- Americans with more education live longer, healthier lives than those with fewer years of schooling. But why does education matter so much to health? The links are complex—and tied closely to income and to the skills and opportunities that people have to lead healthy lives in their communities. How are health and education linked? There are three main connections:Education can create…February 2015Early Childhood Education, High School Graduation
- On Feb. 5, 2015, Doran Schrantz, Executive Director of ISAIAH in Minnesota, discussed community organizing, political power and other topics at The Trust’s first Health Equity Learning Series event of 2014. More than 100 people attended the presentation at the History Colorado Center in Denver, and the event was also live-streamed to hundreds more at 27 remote viewing parties across the state. …February 2015Advocacy
- Advocacy is a critical population health strategy that emphasizes collective action to effect systemic change. It focuses on changing upstream factors related to the social determinants of health, and explicitly recognizes the importance of engaging in political processes to effect desired policy changes at organizational and system levels. Advocacy influences decision-making to create positive…January 2015Advocacy, Social/Structural Determinants
- The Migrant Health subgroup of the Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group focuses on evidence based migrant health, guidelines and migrant-equity. The vision of the Migrant Health Subgroup is to use Cochrane Evidence Based Methods and Equity Methods to prioritise, and synthesis quality evidence on migrant health. Evidence based guidelines for migrants are beginning to appears, for…January 2015Migration
- Low-income children are much more likely to suffer oral health disease but are also much less likely to obtain dental care. Historically in Connecticut, a significant barrier to care for kids on HUSKY A (Healthcare for UninSured Kids and Youth), the state’s Medicaid program for low-income families, was low private dentist participation. Many providers cited low reimbursement rates and cumbersome…December 2014Advocacy
- The workshop opened with presentations from two scholars of social movements: Francesca Polletta, professor of sociology at the University of California, Irvine, and Marshall Ganz, senior lecturer at Harvard University. Polletta shared insights from her work and from the sociology literature on the formation and dynamics of social movements, and she described circumstances, structures, and…December 2014Policy and Practice
- Food insecurity has emerged as a highly prevalent risk to the growth, health, cognitive, and behavioral potential of America’s low-income children ( What exactly is food insecurity? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines it as a household’s lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy lifestyle for all household members as well as…November 2014Services & Programs
- Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as Obamacare, has stimulated extensive debate over the way in which healthcare is financed, and whether or not the costs of healthcare are sustainable. Among publicly funded healthcare in the US, Medicaid and Medicare are primary sources of funding. In federal fiscal year 2012, Medicaid spending on acute health exceeded $275.4 billion, while…September 2014Policy and Practice
- Though a common target for health-improving efforts, young people are not often regarded as agents of change for healthier communities. However, a growing number of successful health-supportive policy, environment, and systems-change efforts trace their impetus to youth involvement. Not only are youth proving to be catalysts and prolific communicators in social movements, but their involvement…September 2014Social Environment
- Since 2007, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has invested more than $20 million to support development of health equity collaboration within and across AA and NHPI communities throughout the nation. As a result of this investment – in partnership with the Asian Pacific Islander Health Forum (APIAHF) and Social Policy Research Associates (SPR) – significant learning has already been surfaced focusing…August 2014Social/Structural Determinants
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