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The Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE) Resource Library is a virtual portal containing action-oriented health equity research, practice, and policies. The library aims to increase equity in health by offering free access to field-tested, evidence-informed and evidence-based programs strategies and high-quality research.
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- Women's health research strives to make change. It seeks to produce knowledge that promotes action on the variety of factors that affect women's lives and their health. As part of this general movement, important strides have been made to raise awareness of the health effects of sex and gender. The resultant base of knowledge has been used to inform health research, policy, and practice.…February 2010Health Reform, Sexism
- Disabled people represent between 10% and 20% of the world’s population, depending on the definitions adopted. They are disproportionately poor, and have historically experienced diverse forms of social exclusion. The rise of the disability rights movement, the establishment of disability discrimination legislation in many countries, and the advent of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons…November 2009Postsecondary Education
- In this review, the authors provide an approach to the study of health disparities in the US Latino population and evaluate the evidence, using mortality rates for discrete medical conditions and the total US population as a standard for comparison. They examine the demographic structure of the Latino population and how nativity, age, income, and education are related to observed patterns of…August 2009Co-Morbidities, Xenophobia
- This paper focuses on the practice of using mapping for community-driven policy advocacy activities. It describes the relationship between mapping and policy advocacy, with a focus on how mapping is being used to advocate for policy and systems changes that reduce health inequities, and highlights best practices in the use of mapping for policy advocacy drawn from communities across the country…June 2009Advocacy, Community-rooted/Participatory Research, Interventions
- Links partnerships have the capacity to make a significant contribution to health system strengthening but only if they are well planned, managed and aligned to needs. This Manual, now in its second edition, provides guidance, shares experiences and offers examples of good practice from those directly involved in Links. Its aim is to help those engaged in a Link to think more strategically about…March 2009Policy and Practice
- The Fenway Guide provides guidance, practical guidelines, and discussions of clinical issues pertinent to the LGBT patient and community. It also focuses on helping healthcare professionals gain a better understanding of the LGBT population, the LGBT life continuum, health promotion and disease prevention, transgender health, and patient communication and the office environment, The Fenway Guide…June 2008School-Based Health Care, Homophobia, Transphobia
- Many approaches have been taken to addressing health disparities beyond the work that has been done through clinical or community interventions. Myriad organizations have developed successful strategies and programs to reduce health disparities using a variety of methods. By hearing from representatives of organizations making such efforts, the Roundtable members sought to learn about how…January 2008Social Environment
- Definition: Cultural competence in healthcare refers to the capacity to provide effective medical care to persons of varied backgrounds through use of appropriate knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors: Culture refers to integrated patterns of human behavior that include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious,…January 2008Services & Programs
- Disasters—earthquakes, hurricanes, chemical explosions, wars, school shootings,mass casualty accidents, and acts of terrorism—can strike anyone, regardless of culture, ethnicity, or race. No one who experiences or witnesses a disaster is untouched by it.Peoples’ reactions to disaster and their coping skills, as well as their receptivity to crisis counseling, differ significantly because of their…October 2007Mental/Behavioral Health, Disasters
- Immigrants have been identified as a vulnerable population, but there is heterogeneity in the degree to which they are vulnerable to inadequate health care. Here we examine the factors that affect immigrants’ vulnerability, including socioeconomic background; immigration status; limited English proficiency; federal, state, and local policies on access to publicly funded health care; residential…October 2007Health Reform, Racism
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