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The Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE) Resource Library is a virtual portal containing action-oriented health equity research, practice, and policies. The library aims to increase equity in health by offering free access to field-tested, evidence-informed and evidence-based programs strategies and high-quality research.
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- Many developing countries are increasingly dependent on donor assistance to meet the equipment needs of their health care systems. However, because not all important parameters are taken into consideration, donations sometimes do not achieve their intended objectives, and could even constitute an added burden to the recipient health care system. There is therefore a need to improve the process of…March 2000Policy and Practice
- This step-by-step guide can help you help communities improve their environments and manage their water and sanitation facilities, particularly for prevention of diarrhoeal disease. You won't need to do a lot of additional background reading, but you will need training in either the PHAST or SARAR methodology upon which this guide is based. You will also need some technical knowledge about…January 2000Illness/Disease/Injury/Wellbeing
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