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The Partners for Advancing Health Equity (P4HE) Resource Library is a virtual portal containing action-oriented health equity research, practice, and policies. The library aims to increase equity in health by offering free access to field-tested, evidence-informed and evidence-based programs strategies and high-quality research.
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- This report argues that chronic diseases is the leading causes of death in Ontario and that many of these diseases are preventable with the right interventions and public policy. The report presents a range of options to prevent chronic diseases, including reducing tobacco use and alcohol consumption, improving physical activity and health eating opportunities, and building whole-of-government…March 2012Chronic Disease
- The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) brings together international organizations working to provide humanitarian assistance to people in need as a result of natural disasters, conflict-related emergencies, global food crises and pandemics. By coordinating activities, members improve overall service delivery, share resources, pool analysis and disseminate best practices. (abbreviated author…March 2012Policy and Practice
- This report explores why resources are not reaching those who need it most and why progress is slow, uneven, and unjust. Among the reasons mentioned in the report: political priorities lead governments to favor other sectors, improve places already served, or exclude poor and marginalized groups. Furthermore, aid is not well-coordinated, is only loosely targeted according to need, and its…November 2011Access
- Water can be disinfected and in this way made drinkable using the rays of the sun. "Solar water disinfection" - SODIS for short - thus offers a solution for preventing diarrhoea, one of the most common causes of death among people in developing countries. (author introduction)May 2011Communicable Disease
- The burden of maternal mortality in resource limited countries is still huge despite being at the top of the global public health agenda for over the last 20 years. We systematically reviewed the impacts of interventions on maternal health and factors for change in these countries. This article presents a list of evidenced-based packages of interventions for maternal health, their impacts and…April 2011Maternal/Child Health, Interventions
- This 3rd edition of Guidelines for medicine donations has been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in cooperation with major international agencies active in humanitarian relief and development assistance. The guidelines are intended to improve the quality of medicine donations in international development assistance and emergency aid. Good medicine donation practice is of interest…January 2011Policy and Practice
- The first time Gayle Woodson, MD, went on an international otolaryngology outreach mission 15 years ago, she was “a little afraid to go.” The chair of otolaryngology at Southern Illinois University in Springfield was traveling to Tanzania, a country prone to violence and war, and there was no telling what kind of environment she was entering. Dr. Woodson still recalls what an impression the…December 2010Services & Programs
- The WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel, approved by Member States in the Sixty-third World Health Assembly Resolution WHA63.16, is intended to be a core component of bilateral, national, regional and global responses to the challenges of health personnel migration and health systems strengthening, The objectives of the Code are: to establish and…May 2010Policy and Practice
- This study presents an assessment of the participation and training of nurses in public health areas in the Americas. Information was gathered through a literature review and interviews with key informants from Mexico, Colombia, and Paraguay. Results demonstrate that there is significant variation in definitions of public health nursing across the region and current systematized data about the…February 2010Education
- In the recent years, CLTS (Community lad total sanitation) has become widely promoted and implemented by several NGOs (Plan International) and sponsored by relevant donors (UNICEF) in Asia, Africa and Latin America. An initial discussion on CLTS was held in the IFRC WatSan global meeting in Dakar (June 09). At that stage, key WatSan stakeholders within the red cross / red crescent showed initial…February 2010Illness/Disease/Injury/Wellbeing, Services & Programs
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